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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Food processing business ideas in Ethiopia

Baby Meal

In mid 2006, there were 3.2 million children between the age of 0-4 years in the Amhara Region. These children constitute about 17 percent of the population of the Region. Supplementary food for children in the Amhara Region is needed for 3.2 million children. But there is no a single plant or factory in the Region which prepares baby food even though the ingredients for making such food is available in the Region. Given the low level of standard of living of the people in the Region..

Estimated investment and more 

Brown Sugar

In 2004, the Amhara Region had 3.1 million babies and children (0-4 years) and 9.8 million women between the age of 14 and 49.  The babies and children and women, if provided, will consume weaning food.  Currently Fafa Food Products and private a factory produce weaning food.  But for the last 20-25 years, most of the production was supplied to people where there were acute food shortages.  In other words, no weaning food was supplied to mothers and children on a regular basis through out the country; and the benefit of feeding weaning food was not popularized by the media.  But there is a strong felt need...


Commercial Starch

hile the raw materials for making starch are adequately available at home, the country has been
importing starch and associated products from abroad by spending badly needed foreign exchange resources. As many other economic phenomena this is also another animal which defies explanations. Next to the food and beverages sectors, textile is the largest industrial sector in the country. And this industry consumes a large amount of starch which is imported. So do the paper and printing industries. Even the two big textile mills in the Amhara Region Consume...


15 more food processing ideas and 400 more business ideas in Ethiopia in 20 major sectors with 300 project profiles

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